OptiXstar K153-10 + Software
OptiXstar V183 + Software
FTTR Fiber Distribution Unit Wall-mounting,86x110x36.5

Huawei - FTTR (F30 PRO XGS-PON / G-PON Combo)

Toimituskulut alkaen 15,00 €
Nouto myymälästä 0 €

alkaen 3,69 €

Hinta sis. alv 0%

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Fiber to the room -tekniikan tavoitteena on tehdä kodin huoneiden sisäkaapelointi kuidulla. Kuitua hyödyntäen saadaan jopa 2 Gbit/s mahdollistava langaton verkko kattamaan koko kiinteistön.
Käytössä on erityinen FTTR-päätelaite sekä asennustyökalu, jolla voidaan rakentaa kiinteistön sisäinen kuituverkko.
Tukee myös ETH WAN up-link -vaihtoehtoa (esim. kytkentä jo olemassa olevaan, asennettuun, L2-päätelaitteeseen), P-to-P L2 silta tai PON.
XG(S)-PON / GPON Up-Link, eli mahdollistaa 10G/10G nopeuden päätelaitteeseen.

Valittavissa olevat vaihtoehdot:

OptiXstar K153-10 + Software
B_OptiXstar K153-10
312,37 €
Kysy saatavuus
Huawei OptiXstar K153-10, Smart HGU, GPON Terminal, SC/APC inc Software, EU Standard Adapter, White shell, English Document
OptiXstar V183 + Software
B_OptiXstar V183
652,00 €
Kysy saatavuus
Huawei OptiXstar V183, Smart HGU, XGS&G Combo PON Terminal, SC/APC, inc. Software, EU Standard Adapter, White shell, English Document
FTTR Fiber Distribution Unit Wall-mounting,86x110x36.5
23,16 €
YB816, Plastic, ATB2121-S-5U-SC/APC
Indoor access terminal box Wall-mounting, 86x86x25mm
3,69 €
YB816, Plastic, SC/APC, ATB2120-T-1-SA-SC/APC
FTTR-Home Software License NCE-FAN (per ONT/AP), 3 Years
13,58 €
Kysy saatavuus
(Annual fee validity period : 3 years from" Earlier between License activated date or PO signed plus 90 days ")
Ultra gigabit to room
- Unique SRCN (seamless roaming coordinate network) technology, enabling imperceptible roaming in the whole house
- C WAN architecture, centrally controlling and coordinating network wide Wi Fi resources by the Master FTTR to deliver ultra gigabit broadband experience in a whole house
- Providing E2E assurance for specific games, cross border education, and e commerce services, including home Wi Fi slicing and ONT cross network acceleration assurance 1
- GPON/XGS PON auto negotiation on the NNI port, automatically switching to the GPON or XGS PON mode based on the OLT port type 2
- Young mode 3 provided to safeguard Internet access by children
- Re al time topology visualization, one click diagnosis and recovery 4
- 360 degree coverage and beamforming by built in smart antennas, ensuring IoT connection reliability-
- Vertically placed for less footprint

Huawei OptiXstar K153-10 is a Slave FTTR for the Huawei FTTR OptiXstar F30 Pro. It supports ultra gigabit broadband access through upstream fibers and provides users with ultra gigabit dual band Wi Fi and ultra gigabit network ports.
- Unique SRCN (seamless roaming coordinate network) technology, enabling imperceptible roaming in the entire house
- C WAN architecture, centrally controlling and coordinating network wide Wi Fi resources by the Master FTTR to deliver ultra gigabit broadband experience in a whole house
- 360 degree coverage and beamforming by built in smart antennas, ensuring IoT connection reliability
- Space for coiling extra cables, enabling neat deployment
- Applicable to multiple installation scenarios, and can be placed vertically on a desk, mounted on a wall, clamped in a socket panel or embedded in a 86 Box using a bracket

Huawei OptiXstar V183 is a Master FTTR for the Huawei FTTR OptiXstar F30 Pro. It uses the GPON/XGS-PON and Wi-Fi 6 technologies to implement ultra-broadband access, high performance and wide coverage for users. The high forwarding performance ensures the user experience of voice and data services, and provides customers with an ideal all-optical access solution and future-oriented service support capability.
- Ultra gigabit to room
- Unique SRCN (seamless roaming coordinate network) technology, enabling imperceptible roaming in the whole house
- C-WAN architecture, centrally controlling and coordinating network-wide Wi-Fi resources by the Master FTTR to deliver ultra-gigabit broadband experience in a whole house
- Providing E2E assurance for specific games, cross-border education, and e-commerce services, including home Wi-Fi slicing and ONT cross-network acceleration assurance1
- GPON/XGS-PON auto-negotiation on the NNI port, automatically switching to the GPON or XGS-PON mode based on the OLT port type2
- Young mode3provided to safeguard Internet access by children
- Real-time topology visualization, one-click diagnosis and recovery4
- 360-degree coverage and beamforming by built-in smart antennas, ensuring IoT connection reliability
- Vertically placed for less footprint

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